Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Jul 25 2021 - 13:00
Jul 25 2021 - 15:00

Val Venegia, Primiero

Ombelichi tenui

Two bodies prepare for a journey: they meet, accompany each other, recognise each other, only to lose each other, until they finally separate.

A real but also surreal journey that leads to an elsewhere, an afterlife where no ancient heroes land but two extras intent on saying goodbye to each other in an imaginary anteroom of death.

Encounter, confrontation, accompaniment, recognition, abandonment: these are the stages that mark the physical practices of the two performers and their relationship.

Ombelichi Tenui is a secular rite to say goodbye to someone or something that is leaving: a friendship, a love or a life. It is a silent prayer from which a dancing march begins in which the bodies, disoriented, lose the boundaries of their identity. It is the story of two different faces that have begun to resemble each other.

The event is part of the Sconfinamenti programme.

A journey always begins with an abandonment.

Who stays, who goes?

Look there.

Two figures walk in the rain, companions of misfortune.

I say I ask. Where are they headed? Who are they waiting for?


To the rhythm of fanfares they walk together, accompanying each other until their last breath.

Before they run out of breath, ombelichi tenui.

- Filippo Porro e Simone Zambelli

Ombelichi tenui

By and with Filippo Porro e Simone Zambelli
Isacco Venturini
Silvia Dezulian
Scientific consultancy
Cristina Vargas e Marina Sozzi
Dramaturgical consultancy
Gaia Clotilde Chernetich
Azioni Fuori Posto
C&C Company, Balletto Civile
With the support of
Komm Tanz_Passo Nord, progetto residenze Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni, Lavanderie A Vapore/Centro di Residenza per la danza Vincitore Bando AiR 2021, Artisti in Residenza Lavanderie A Vapore di Collegno (TO)

In collaboration with Val di Fiemme and Collettivo Azioni Fuori Posto

The show is part of the Danzare a Monte programme.