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Stefania Tansini

Artist in residence

After studying artistic gymnastics and ballet, Stefania Tansini graduated in 2014 as a dancer at the Scuola D'Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi. Crucial in her training are encounters with various choreographers, including Enzo Cosimi, Dominiqui Dupuy, Cesc Gelabert, Jonah Bokaer and Maria Consagra.

From 2014, she began working as a dancer on all of Simona Bertozzi's productions among others Ant It Burns Burns, which in 2017 arrived as a finalist show for the UBU Danza Prize. Since 2016, she has been working with Luca Veggetti for several shows, the last in 2021 Infinito Nero and in 2017 she was called by with Romeo Castellucci to take part in the new production Democracy in America and in 2018 in Flauto Magico.

More recent works include a collaboration in 2020 with choreographer Jayachandram Palazhy and with Motus and in 2022 with Silvia Rampelli.

In 2021, she is invited to participate in the Cellule d'Essai meeting for young European choreographers at the Maison de la Danse in Lyon.

Stefania Tansini is an artist supported by the Fondazione Teatro Grande in Brescia.
